Sunday, January 4, 2009

year of Jubilee

It would be cool to be 50 if the old testament year of Jubilee was still in pratice. Each 50 years all debt is is written off. Everybody gets a clean slate, sort of like a bail-out. My personal debt now consists of a horrific student loan, some charge card debt and my car loan. My student loan was tripled on me by First Union Bank of Virginia when I was too sick with cancer to understand the slimy bait and switch "consolidation" they pulled on me. When I did finally figure it out I was in chemo with a poor prognosis so it really wasn't a top priority. Then against all predictions I recovered and felt so strongly that those who didn't make it through their treatment would be happy to trade places that I never persued righting the wrong- it's just a mistake that cost me some money.
Hey how about a economnic stimulous package that forgives a year of federal student loans for ever year you have paid. Actually REWARD responsible behavior. Next year I am planning to cut all expenses to the bone so I can double up on the car payments. My future mustang hermitage cannot be viable with my current debt load. The evil student loan will always be with me- the most I can pay still doesn't cover the interest, but I do get the tax deduction. I consider it a fixed cost of teaching ( a job I love) instead of working the multiple part time jobs I had to juggle as a single mom from 1985 until I graduated in 1994.